April 2022 PC MVP: Terry Owings
Originally posted April 28, 2022
Putnam County R-I Schools have some of the best staff and students around. Each month, we celebrate staff who have been nominated by their peers for going above and beyond.
Please help us congratulate our PC MVP winner, Mrs. Terry Owings, and our outstanding finalists for the month of April 2022.
This month's PC MVP Finalists were:
Terry Owings (Secretary to the Superintendent), Ariane Casady (Administrative Assistant to the High School Principal), Amy Webb (Food Service), and Luz Orozco (Preschool Paraprofessional).
Each finalist received a goody bag, a surprise visit from our admin team cheering them on, and a personal note of appreciation for all they do.
Our winner received the same as above, a designated parking spot for a month, and a PC MVP tumbler.
Just a small token of appreciation for all they do.
Here's what fellow staff members and students had to say about Mrs. Owings:
"Terry is amazing! She is the kindest person but also knows how to hold her ground gracefully. She keeps everyone on track in the nicest possible way. She is the face of the district. Whenever someone enters the office they are given a friendly smile and a warm greeting. She is great at finding out information about potential candidates by engaging them in conversation. She keeps track of all the Purchase Orders and makes sure everyone is on the same page. We are definitely going to miss her next year."
Many thanks to Mrs. Owings and all of our PC MVP Finalists for going above and beyond in serving our school, staff, and students! We appreciate you! Congratulations on your retirement!
Check out our media gallery on the school website to see all the surprise videos and photos!