Middle School Character Education Winners: January 2020
Originally posted By McCollom, KayLea on January 29, 2020
Middle School Good Attitude Winners for January 2020: These students have shown a good attitude in the classroom and among their peers. They will receive 2-10 point bonus coupons with their certificate. Thank you for being a great example for everyone at Putnam County R-1. 6th grade-Keaton G, 7th-Jacob P, 8th-Gavin K.
Character education word of the month was gratefulness for January 2020. The students exemplifying gratefulness receive a t-shirt, a concession stand voucher, and a plaque. The winners are: 6th-Loralei F, 7th-Daelynn S, 8th-Joey H.
Middle School January student of the month will receive a certificate, a dog tag that allows them to get into PC events for free for the school year, and a box of candy. Students who receive this award have displayed outstanding behavior, a positive attitude, and have been a great role model for his or her peers. 6th-Hoyt H, 7th-Brock M, 8th-Wyatt H.
The community winner for the month of January exemplifying gratefulness is Ms. Taylor Page. Ms. Page is a paraprofessional here at PC. Taylor is currently working towards a bachelor's degree in teaching. She recently got engaged and together they have 3 children with one on the way. She has 4 dogs and 3 cats. Taylor enjoys spending her free time reading, painting, crafting, taking pictures, swimming at the lake, pool, river. She also likes gardening, hunting, riding the razor. Taylor’s motto for life is to try to enjoy and be thankful for every day, especially days spent with friends and family. Congratulations, Ms. Page.